hydra token
hydra token​
Issue and Manage OAuth2 tokens
--fail-after duration Stop retrying after the specified duration (default 1m0s)
--fake-tls-termination fake tls termination by adding "X-Forwarded-Proto: https" to http headers
-h, --help help for token
--skip-tls-verify Foolishly accept TLS certificates signed by unknown certificate authorities
- hydra - Run and manage Ory Hydra
- hydra token client - An exemplary OAuth 2.0 Client performing the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow
- hydra token delete - Deletes access tokens of a client
- hydra token flush - Removes inactive access tokens from the database
- hydra token introspect - Introspect an access or refresh token
- hydra token revoke - Revoke an access or refresh token
- hydra token user - An exemplary OAuth 2.0 Client performing the OAuth 2.0 Authorize Code Flow