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Ory Session Token / Ory Session Cookie

When an identity or end-user authenticates using e.g. the password method, they will receive an Ory Session. The Ory Session can either be issued as an

  • Ory Session Cookie, which is used for all browser-flows (e.g. PHP app, single page app, ...);
  • Ory Session Token, which is used for non-browser flows (e.g. native apps).

The session's content may look like the following:

id: '1338410d-c473-4503-a96a-53efa06e2531',
active: true,
expires_at: '2021-10-15T15:58:57.683338Z',
authenticated_at: '2021-10-14T15:58:57.683338Z',
authenticator_assurance_level: 'aal2',
authentication_methods: [
method: 'password',
completed_at: '2021-10-14T15:55:19.03621Z'
method: 'lookup_secret',
completed_at: '2021-10-14T15:56:21.257867Z'
method: 'lookup_secret',
completed_at: '2021-10-14T15:58:57.683337Z'
method: 'lookup_secret',
completed_at: '2021-10-14T16:03:14.833192Z'
issued_at: '2021-10-14T15:58:57.683338Z',
identity: {
id: '9496bbd5-f426-473f-b087-c7df853f274a',
schema_id: 'default',
schema_url: 'https://<your-project-slug>',
state: 'active',
state_changed_at: '2021-10-14T17:55:17.885497+02:00',
traits: {
website: '',
email: ''
verifiable_addresses: [
id: '4de14270-ca13-4efb-ac3f-8f03b1f649d8',
value: '',
verified: false,
via: 'email',
status: 'sent',
created_at: '2021-10-14T17:55:17.886639+02:00',
updated_at: '2021-10-14T18:03:14.839009+02:00'
recovery_addresses: [
id: 'fdab5a5f-5efc-4202-93b5-fd3ee632420b',
value: '',
via: 'email',
created_at: '2021-10-14T17:55:17.886831+02:00',
updated_at: '2021-10-14T18:03:14.839105+02:00'
created_at: '2021-10-14T17:55:17.886237+02:00',
updated_at: '2021-10-14T17:55:17.886237+02:00'


If set to true, Ory Session is active and can be used to authenticate requests.


Indicates when the Ory Session expires.


Indicates the time of the most recent authentication. When a new Ory Session is created (e.g. because of a successful login), this is set to the current time.

This field is updated when:

The Ory Session Cookie will be issued when the end-user is using a browser (e.g. Chrome) to sign in. You can fetch the session's payload using the /sessions/whoami endpoint:

curl 'https://<your-project-slug>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json \

Ory Session Token​

The Ory Session Token will be issued when the end-user is using, for example, a native mobile app to sign in. In this case, you need to include the Ory Session Token in the Authorization HTTP Header

curl 'https://<your-project-slug>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer BRFbGMzTnBiMjVmZEcEdjM1J5YVc1bkRDSUFvME5VNVlaVeWJrUnZhSEF4YmxSV2VVRlhNMWwxVlVGenxXpsk2cLXV41N6bFxvVJSt7CeICy'

or alternatively in the X-Session-Token HTTP Header:

curl 'https://<your-project-slug>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json \
-H 'X-Session-Token: BRFbGMzTnBiMjVmZEcEdjM1J5YVc1bkRDSUFvME5VNVlaVeWJrUnZhSEF4YmxSV2VVRlhNMWwxVlVGenxXpsk2cLXV41N6bFxvVJSt7CeICy'

Privileged Sessions​

Some profile changes, such as updating the password or adding / removing second factors, require a privileged Ory Session Token or Ory Session Cookie to be completed successfully:

Ory Sessions are considered "privileged" if their authenticated_at time is not older than the privileged_session_max_age specified in your config:

privileged_session_max_age: 15m

In the example above, an Ory Session would be considered "privileged" for 15 minutes. The end-user can perform any profile changes (e.g. update password, link another social provider, add a 2fa method, ...) without being prompted to re-authenticate.

This flow is similar to GitHub's sudo mode!

Refreshing Sessions​

You can prompt the user to re-authenticate by interacting with the /self-service/login/browser or /self-service/login/api API and setting the refresh parameter to true. Once the user has re-authenticated, the authenticated_at timestamp of the Ory Session will be set to the current time.


If enabled, you can also refresh the second factor by setting both refresh and aal:
