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Configuring and Managing Login Sessions

A login session is created when a user signs in. The session is stored as a cookie or as a token, depending on the interaction type.

Login Session Configuration​

A session is valid for the session lifespan you specify in the Ory Kratos config:

lifespan: 720h # 30 days

Per default the session cookie has the max-age parameter set to the specified session lifespan. You may disable this behavior by setting:

persistent: false

The cookie max-age parameter behaves as follows:

  • The browser interprets the cookie to be removed when the session ends if max-age is not set as part of the Set-Cookie header. A session ends if the browser is terminated due to a reboot or when shutting down the browser.
  • The browser keeps the cookie until max-age is reached otherwise.

Once the lifespan is reached, the user needs to sign in again.

Checking for Login Sessions​

Browser Client​

The easiest way to check if a user is signed in is to call the http(s)://<kratos-public/sessions/whoami endpoint which will return either a 401 Unauthorized or HTTP 200 OK with the session.


Make sure to include the Ory Kratos Session Cookie when calling this endpoint. If you are calling this endpoint from a proxy or middleware, make sure to forward the cookies sent to the proxy/middleware. If you are calling this endpoint as an AJAX call, make sure to include credentials and configure CORS properly.

A typical session payload will look like this:

"id": "8f660ce3-69ec-4aeb-9fda-f9230dc3243f",
"active": true,
"expires_at": "2020-08-25T13:42:15.7411522Z",
"authenticated_at": "2020-08-24T13:42:15.7411522Z",
"issued_at": "2020-08-24T13:42:15.7412042Z",
"identity": {
"id": "bf32596a-f853-47c4-91e6-a3f41cf4949d",
"schema_id": "default",
"schema_url": "",
"traits": {
"email": "",
"name": {
"last": "User",
"first": "API"
"verifiable_addresses": [
"id": "f877db6c-7dfb-45e3-bbeb-ac8349348128",
"value": "",
"verified": false,
"via": "email",
"verified_at": null,
"expires_at": "2020-08-24T14:35:59.125873Z"
"recovery_addresses": [
"id": "065a908c-82be-4110-bf67-9910f36242b7",
"value": "",
"via": "email"

Code Examples​

If you have the session cookie available from another source you can also use the X-Session-Token header:

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// Cookies that have not been signed
const cookie = req.cookies['ory_kratos_session']

// Make a request and include the cookie in X-Session-Cookie
headers: { 'X-Session-Cookie': cookie }
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((session) => console.log(session))

API Client​

API clients receive and use Ory Kratos Session Tokens which can be checked by calling the /sessions/whoami endpoint and including the Ory Kratos Session Token as a bearer token in the HTTP Authorization Header:

$ sessionToken=oFZzgLpsacUpUy2cvQPtrGa2046WcXCR
$ curl -s -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $sessionToken" \
# OR: \
# -H "X-Session-Token: $sessionToken" \ | jq

"id": "8f660ce3-69ec-4aeb-9fda-f9230dc3243f",
"active": true,
"expires_at": "2020-08-25T13:42:15.7411522Z",
"authenticated_at": "2020-08-24T13:42:15.7411522Z",
"issued_at": "2020-08-24T13:42:15.7412042Z",
"identity": {
"id": "bf32596a-f853-47c4-91e6-a3f41cf4949d",
"schema_id": "default",
"schema_url": "",
"traits": {
"email": "",
"name": {
"last": "User",
"first": "API"
"verifiable_addresses": [
"id": "f877db6c-7dfb-45e3-bbeb-ac8349348128",
"value": "",
"verified": false,
"via": "email",
"verified_at": null,
"expires_at": "2020-08-24T14:35:59.125873Z"
"recovery_addresses": [
"id": "065a908c-82be-4110-bf67-9910f36242b7",
"value": "",
"via": "email"

List Sessions using Self-Service​

A user can list all sessions using the GET /sessions endpoint. It returns a list of all sessions that are active and have not expired, except the current session. This can be used to show a UI with all other sessions that are currently active.


Make sure to include the Ory Kratos Session Cookie when calling this endpoint. If you are calling this endpoint from a proxy or middleware, make sure to forward the cookies sent to the proxy/middleware. If you are calling this endpoint as an AJAX call, make sure to include credentials and configure CORS properly.

Revoke Sessions using Self-Service​

A user can revoke a specific session by calling the DELETE /sessions/{id} endpoint. This endpoint can only be used for sessions other than the current session. For revoking the current session, use the self-service logout.

A user can also revoke all other sessions using the DELETE /sessions endpoint. This essentially loges the user out of all other sessions on any device.

Sessions that were revoked through self-service are not deleted. Instead, they are marked as inactive. Inactive sessions are retrievable and deletable through the administrative API.


Make sure to include the Ory Kratos Session Cookie when calling this endpoint. If you are calling this endpoint from a proxy or middleware, make sure to forward the cookies sent to the proxy/middleware. If you are calling this endpoint as an AJAX call, make sure to include credentials and configure CORS properly.

List and Revoke Sessions as an Administrator​

All sessions for a specific identity can be listed using the administrative GET /identities/{id}/sessions endpoint. There is also the administrative DELETE /identities/{id}/sessions endpoint to delete all sessions for a specific identity. This forcefully logs the user out of all sessions, and also deletes all session data.